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No Experience, No state, No Quality But Not Void or Nothingness.

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The subjects which have meaning are really speaking meaningless,
The subjects which are meaningless are really speaking meaningful,

Hence even the Question of What is Real or Unreal is Futile, This is Maya.

The Very quality of Self-Contradiction is Nature/effect of Maya,
Due to this only, Existence or Non-Existence of Maya cannot be found or proposed.

The futility of question and Absurdness of logic,
Shows only the self-evident Truth.

Which is Not Void but is No State
Not Nothingness but is No Experience, Certainly, Has No Quality.

But of Nature of Bliss, Since, Truth is Free from Self-Contradiction & Bondage of Ignorance.

There truly speaking one finds nothing in terms of 'experience' but everything in terms of 'contentment'.
