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Choose the closest answer as per your last 2-3 week pattern


Sleeping Habits

The quantity and quality of your sleep - before, during and after.

Choose what describes the best about how you feel when you wake up.

How much time does it take for you to fall asleep?

Choose what best describes the quality of your sleep.

What do you do to help you fall asleep??

What best describes the soundness of your sleep?

Choose what best describes your sleep pattern on weekends or holidays.

Choose what best describes your sleeping and waking up schedule.

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Eating Habits

The frequency of your meals and choice of your diet.

What kind of food do you like to eat often?

What best describes your eating habits?

How many times do you snack in a day?

What do you most often choose as a snack between meals?

What best describes your meal timings?

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Exercise Habits

The frequency and intensity of your exertion.

What best describes your exercise habits?

What kind of exercise do you prefer to do?

How many hours do you exercise in a week?

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Time Management

The manner you go about a typical workday.

Besides sleeping, how much time do you stay passive in a day, like watching TV, listening to music, scrolling through social media?

What best describes your time management during an average working day?

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