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Isha Hatha Yoga


I was exposed to the concept of yoga and it’s numerous benefits at an early age but my spiritual journey really started to take roots when I was introduced to Isha Foundations in 2012. At that time I was thriving as a fashion designer with a Masters degree from Milan and working with one of the leading designers in India. My regular stints with meditation retreats and seminars led to much anticipated introspection and soul searching, eventually turning my focus from external to Internal. On the first day of Hatha Yoga Teachers training when I eagerly declared how excited I was to become a yoga teacher, a fellow student replied, ‘Darling, Sadhguru doesn’t make yoga teachers, he makes yogis.’ I couldn't understand the implication of those words back then but after the six months training in 2015, i realised what they truly meant.


My teachings are grounded in the philosophy of traditional Hatha yoga taught at Isha Foundations and can become a tool of transformation. Regular practice for a few minutes can bring more balance and harmony and assist individuals to evolve physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is a true blessing to be able to share all that I have learnt and help you bring positive change in your life by becoming the best version of yourself.