To the lost and the aimless meandering in the sandy deserts of life chasing a mirage, Acharya Sri Mridul Krishna Maharaj has come as Bihariji’s most compassionate gift to mankind. Born into a lineage of distinguished saints he has plunged into spreading spiritual awakening. By kindling a love for Radharani and Bihariji in the hearts of millions through his unique style of orating the Shrimad Bhagwat, his purpose stands at bringing peace and progress into the lives of all those who have experienced his discourses. The senior Acharya, Pujya Gurudev Shradheya Sri Mridul Krishna Maharaj is the grandmaster of the Shrimad Bhagawat of our times from the exotic land of Vrindavan. He has for millions of devotees illuminated the pathway of the “Kunj gali” that leads to the lotus feet of Shri Bankey Bihari.