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  • Gurender


    The end goal is only to realize that there is no goal to begin with at first place.
  • Gurender

    Nature of Ignorance.

    With Infinite possibilities available just a contemplation away; using Mind; having a Thing like mind; which is source of everything and of wisdom, Human being Still feels Discontent.

    Some sharp the Sword and practice their way ahead like Samurais did, Some let it rust and some don't even realize what they miss upon.

    All the praises to this Being, Who lives in innermost depths of everything and beyond;
    No law binds that; no Law Transcends that; No law can exists Independent of that.
  • Gurender

    Meaningful or Meaningless?

    Life itself is of Mysterious Nature,

    For instance;
    You cannot truly admit that life is devoid of Goal/Purpose and you cannot on the other hand truly admit that life has a Goal/Purpose But one thing is for sure, it is Opportunity to 'Create', Now Create what? Meaning or Meaninglessness, its up to individual;

    Many things do propel one to get into many things, Memories, Attachments, Desire, it is not question about Leaving them neither getting plunged into them but knowing their nature as it...  more
  • Gurender

    Peaceful Life?

    Think of Truth, Act on Truth, Speak Truth.
    No matter how it is, it is what it is.

    One should not be afraid to Speak Truth.

    The Secret to Best Possible, Easy, Calm, Peaceful, Relaxing Life.

    Truth Resolves issues, conflicts, Helps one to make way, Clears confusion, Invokes Happiness and Bliss.

    If one say while speaking truth, One is Afraid, He or she is afraid of Lies falling down on Self.

    That's how Asura, The Lie betrays while giving illusion of safety But Truth, Sura Saves.

    By Very...  more
  • Gurender

    Homosexuality? Freedom of expression of love?

    Any thought, that modifies sex for what it does not stands for is unfavorable.

    The thought;
    "I am seeking sex for pleasure is equally unfavorable as i seek sex with only girls or with only men or both of them, they are equally wrong as this - I seek sex only for offspring rejecting pleasure".

    It does not take much of time and mental power to see, what sex originally stands for, which is established by nature,

    It is Very private intimacy, very private moment, full of love and pleasure, in...  more
  • Gurender


    Who can explain me life other then their perspective of it?

    Yes perspectives are contradictory & They are Ever-changing.

    Nothing is absolute, Hence A Paradoxical, Veil of Maya.
  • Gurender


    There are two types of Freedom:-

    Freedom to fulfill desires,
    Freedom from the desires.

    When prior is done enough,
    Craving for later arises.
  • Gurender

    Essence of path of Will

    On realization of nature of this world,

    Arjun chooses humility & Kindness instead of Pride & Ego.
    Indeed Anxiety is replaced by Mercy.

    The nature of this world hidden yet in front of eyes due to force of impressions of mind(Incorrect ideas regarding world gained by past experience) ,
    One is not able to see the self-evident truth, One is attached to things identifying "happiness" as well as "Sadness" with it, hence then one is thrown up and down.

    They all are ruled by the mind, No one...  more
  • Gurender

    Two ways

    There are two ways to lead life as appears in world,

    One is driven by impressions of mind the other Drives mind instead of being Driven.

    The first tastes just a bit of life,
    The second tastes whole of life.

    The first gets only partial essence of life,
    The second gets to know whole of essence.

    To first comes hardening of ignorance,
    To the second comes knowledge.

    The First walks on path of life having chain in his/her neck,
    The other walks on path of life like a Charioteer,...  more
  • Gurender

    Formless Containing All

    You are beyond thought, yet they contemplate on you by their minds,
    You are beyond Discrimination, yet they Try to discriminate you,
    You are beyond Laws, yet they try to make up their own laws,
    You are support of righteousness being one, yet they try to act licentious,

    You are current in wires, yet they only see wires,
    You are the Sand, yet they only see Pot of Sand,
    You are Water, yet they point to only the wave?
    You are the rope, yet they see it as snake in dark?
    You are the...  more
  • Gurender

    God's Work.

    Whatever be the desire,
    The desire for objects,
    The desire for Intimacy,
    The desire for Wealth,
    The Desire for Fame,
    The Desire for Preaching and the like,

    Whatever be the desire, infact the desire itself by nature keeps a person unfulfilled,

    A Desire never fulfills no one, it has it's starting from incompleteness, it exists in incompleteness, it ends in incompleteness too.

    By the way, who said you are incomplete ? So you suffer this much? Think on it being strong and firm in...  more
  • Gurender


    Tell me how?

    One will taste Bliss of Brahman on his or her own tongue, till one won't be able to Walk on path of Raj Yog, controlling Desires, emotions and the like not-needed for growth, which in turns, Give rise to Gyaan Yog, Revealing Knowledge of Absolute, Which is not accessible till one won't walk on right path, Which will in turn Gives off Bhakti Yog, Which is Dwelling inside of Knowledge.

    Tell me how?
    Who is devoid of Raj, Gyaan and Bhakti can do Karma yog? which says to do actions...  more