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Maharishi Patanjali

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Maharishi Patanjali is a saint who is believed to have lived sometime during the 2nd century BCE. Known for his treatise on Yoga, entitled “Patanjali Yoga Sutra”, he was not only an authority on the Science of Yoga but was also a scientist and a doctor whose clarity and wisdom was remarkable. Tradition says that Patanjali was also the author of the treatise “Mahabhashya” which is an exposition on Panini’s “Ashtaadhyaayi”, although there has been considerable debate as to whether the two works “Yoga Sutras” and Mahabhashya” are by the same author. Also, tradition claims that he has to his credit, a medical text “Charakapratisamskrtah”, which is a revision of the medical treatise of Charaka – however, this work was lost.