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Emotions are devoid of meaning, for they cannot be explained rationaly but felt directly,

That which can be reasoned, are subjects resting on rationality they are explainable,

They both exists in equal quantity in a individual,

Now, whether it be rationality or emotion,
They both are but experiences.

Hence life is whole experience in itself.

No amount of reasoning can explain emtions and no amount of emotions can defeat reasoning.

The experience such rests on one's own self,
The self for which it is said,

"Knowing which you became"

At beginning,
There was nothing but pure consciousness,
Then landed upon it the idea of 'I'.

This conciousness is homogeneous,
Supports all experiences, of this world and other worlds.

This conciousness is immortal and eternal, beyond time, decay and death.

Whatever be the experience,
It is temporary and impermanent, which is self evident, for even dreams appear real while having experience of them, what doubt then one should entertain regarding existence of waking world?

This self is all, all is this self, this very self has no identity, it is attributeless, it is devoid of all the qualities, immortal, just immediate and direct in experience, all praveding and formless, not even one it is owing to it, even idea of duality or non duality exists,

Indeed ,
Owing to power of this very homogeneous conciousness which is not body, not mind , no subtle impressions, even the idea of duality or non duality exists,

For, it is existence itself.

In space ,
The whole of infinite universe exists,
This very space which is everywhere rests on existence, indeed on subtle existence which has its place in black part of eyes.

Having no indentity, indeed no indentity.
