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Rohit Kaliyar

Illusion of Ultimate Reality

Epistemology of God and SpiritualityExistential Inquiry

The world around us is the only reality. Ultimate reality which is invented by intelligent men has no relationship with this reality. As long as you search or seek that non existent absolute reality you can't come in terms with this existing reality. Anything we do to escape from this reality in search of invented peace makes us difficult to remain in harmonious with peace already there with the living organism. Harmonious functioning of Body with this world is real peace. It is very important to function in this world as per rules of the society. Accept reality imposed by the society or the culture and at the same time understand that there is nothing you can do to experience absolute reality.

When demand to be a special being comes to an end and the demand to reach ideal goal is also not there then we become what actually we are then we do not come in conflict with ourselve and with the society. When we are peaceful with ourselve then only we can be in peace with others in the society.

When we do not want anything, we are not searching anything, we are not seeking anything, when the external movements like God, guru, scriptures and their teachings and techniques are not there then that harmony actually sets momentum in the life energy already there. This energy can not be experienced at all. This energy do not want external help of gurus, holy mens or scriptures. Energy is interested in total independence, total uniqueness, total nothingness.

I am not against meditation techniques but it's not the means to achieve goal we have placed before us. The goal of enlightenment and techniques like meditation both are self perpetuating mechanism. And anything we want to achieve is again a self centred activity. Effortless state can not be achieved by doing any efforts or not doing any efforts.

U G Krishnamurti
