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Just this much, is required with firm intelligence and will.

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When Brihadaranyaka Upnishad says,

"In Dream, This being that is in body, goes to spheres of experiences has per his or her own experiences and desires gained in waking state, Everything that is witnessed is object to this being, hence whatever is object is different and super-imposed(imaginative).

Now, In Waking too Same happens, This being goes ahead to do various actions via senses, having desires, experiences various results, whatever here is witnessed is also, object to this being, hence whatever is object is different and super-imposed.

This being, who in sleep, Knows nothing, in dream has for it's object the impressions of waking and in waking has for it's object the desires, is pure, having everything for it's object or as something witnessed.

This is supreme self, which in itself shows multiplicity, duality, names and forms, of nature Illusion called as maya, which is unexplainable but not real. "

Now tell me,
For person firm with such knowledge, what action shall be there remain pending to be worried about?

Ah, this world moves and worry about countless things,
Not this realized person is accountable for their ignorance and inability to understand self evident truth,

They indeed suffer because of their own actions, their own firm decision that no such knowledge is needed or firm faith in imperfect knowledge.

Why this realized person is accountable for world's mistakes, no he or she is not,
For him or her, everything ceases,

He or she is cave of love, knowledge & wisdom how? Because he or she see the one, whom not seeing thus this world mourns about and suffers in numerous countless ways.
