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Nature of Illusion?

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A Appearance that is said to be beginningless having for it's origin series of cause and effects viz impressions and actions; Once the ray of knowledge is projected, all the coverings, which appeared real or for which there were doubts such as is it real or not? Vanishes once and for all in one Truth.

That which is Full as well as empty is Truth, is Brahman,
But truly it is Neither Full nor empty.

Because, fullness and emptiness does not exists apart from brahman, they have for their appearance Brahman as substratum, if then one, talks about Brahman specifically, then it cannot be admitted to be empty or full but formless and unthinkable.

Brahman is that, marching towards which mind and speech turns back said upnishads.

The Thinker is 'I', the thought is "object",
Brahman has for its essence 'I' Without sense of 'I', without sense of 'i'.

it is Self-evident Truth, Self-evident Reality, from which everything springs up and goes down.
