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Rohit Kaliyar

Problem of reincarnation

Fundamental Philosophies and TheoriesMetaphysicsEpistemology of God and SpiritualityExistential InquiryRevolutionary Thoughts and Ideas

If one is interested in finding out for himself and by himself, to resolve this problem of reincarnation, and get an answer for this oft-repeated question, “Is there such a thing as reincarnation?” you have to ask this fundamental question, “What is there now that you think will reincarnate?” Is there anything there? Is there any such thing as soul? Is there any such thing as the ‘I’? Is there any such thing as the psyche? Whatever you see there, whatever you experience there is created only by the knowledge you have of that self. If you are lucky enough to be freed from the totality of knowledge, the knowledge of the self, reincarnation, and all kinds of things, then is it possible for you to experience any centre, any ‘I’, any self, any soul? So, to me the ‘I’ is nothing but a first person singular pronoun, and I do not see any centre or self there. So the whole idea of reincarnation is built only on the foundation of our beliefs.

U G Krishnamurti
