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Vishwas Healing Centre

Psychology Internship


VishwasHealingCentre in this spectacular Internship program aims to provide theoretical inputs and hands-on clinical experience in areas of counseling psychology & clinical psychology. We strongly believe that as a student of psychology, you are engaging in a process of trying to make sense of numerous personal, academic and professional factors to create and develop a way of seeing the therapeutic world that is standardized, reliable, valid and which ultimately brings the real transformation in your client's life and heals them. And we at Vishwas Healing Centre believes in mentoring budding psychologists keeping these aspects, which are definitely in the top priority. Join us for the ultimate learning experience. know more contact us at 9899201645, 9911401645
Internship PsychologyInternship ClinicalPsychologyCounselingPsychology ClinicalHypnotherapist HypnotherapyPastLifeRegression PLR SelfHypnosis Hypnosis PsychotherapyCounseling Psychology AlternateHealingTherapy HealingEnergyHealer Psychotherapist EnergyHealing TrainingPsychologyStudents CounselingTechniques LearnHealingLearnCounselingInDelhi InternshipProgram Psychologists
