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PURPOSE OF LIFE | Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement


Fundamental Philosophies and TheoriesExistential Inquiry

“ Purpose of Life ”

.. always is a dynamic moving point

“ Purpose of Life ”

is different..

at different stages of physical body ..

at different stages of mental growth ..

at different levels of intellectual maturity ..

at different levels of spiritual awareness


The real “ Purpose of Life ”

is to find out that we are an ETERNAL VERITY.

And having done that .. we have to find out what is our ..

Current DHARMA in the current MOMENT.


It is equally important that

we take particular care of whatever we want to do now ..

we should become whatever we want to become now.


Adhering to the “ DHARMA of the MOMENT ”

and .. simultaneously ..

being able to ENJOY

every given situation of EVERY GIVEN MOMENT..

is called “ ENLIGHTENMENT ”
