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Satish Vyawahare

Reality is only one and that is the self.

Reality is only one and
that is the self.

All the rest are
mere Phenomena in it,
of it
and by it.

The seer, the objects and the sight,
all are the self only.

Can anyone see or hear, leaving the self aside?

What difference does it make
to see or hear anyone in close proximity or
over enormous distance?

The organs of sight and hearing are needed in both cases;
so also the mind is required.

None of them can be dispensed with in either case.
There is dependence one way or another.
Why then should there be a glamour about
clairvoyance or clairaudience?

Moreover, what is acquired will also be lost in due course.
They can never be permanent.

The only permanent thing is Reality;
and that is the Self.

You say “I am”,
“I am going”,
“I am speaking”,
“I am working”, etc.

Hyphenate “I am” in all of them.
Thus I - AM.

That is the abiding and fundamental Reality.
This truth was taught by God to Moses: “I AM that I-AM”.

“Be still and know that I-AM God.”
so “I-AM” is God.

You know that you are.

You cannot deny your existence
at any moment of time.

For you must be there in order to deny it.

This (Pure Existence) is understood
by stilling your mind.
The mind is the outgoing faculty of the individual.

If that is turned within,
it becomes still in course of time and
that “I-AM” alone prevails.
“I-AM” is the whole Truth.

D.: I appreciate the whole answer.

Sri Ramana Maharshi : Who is there to appreciate what?

~ Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi , 503
