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Datta Swami

Should all people or only scholars light an electric lamp before an idol of God, instead of an oil lamp?Should all people or only scholars light an electric lamp before an idol of God, instead of an oil lamp?


Devotion and Salvation Traditional Philosophies, Principle and PracticesReligious Philosophies and ConceptsUniversal Values and MoralityScientific Wisdom Environmental Ethics Indian Traditional WisdomEastern Traditional Wisdom

| Shri Datta Swami | Should all people or only scholars light an electric lamp before an idol of God, instead of an oil lamp? | Śrī Rajashekar asked: You have taught...| Shri Datta Swami | Should all people or only scholars light an electric lamp before an idol of God, instead of an oil lamp? | Śrī Rajashekar asked: You have taught...
