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The Holy Gita is a guide to one's life


Life Philosophy Change and ChallengesWords of Wisdom

More than just a religious text the Gita shows any human being how to establish equanimity in internal life and dealings with the world. It helps one explore the purpose and meaning of life. Through detached action it asks you to give your best, accept the result in humility and reflect on your actions to know how you can do better...


  • Datta Swami
    Essence of Bhagavad Gita (Excerpt from Message of Shri Datta Swami)

    Today, in the world everybody agrees that the real power is the money only. Money is the fruit of work and Bhagavat Gita calls sacrifice of money “Karma Phala Tyaga”. In Bhagavat Gita it is said “Dhyanat Karma Phala Tyagah” which means that devotion is greater than Knowledge and sacrifice of the fruit of the work (money) is greater than the devotion. Knowledge consists of intelligence and words. Devotion consists of...  more