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Jazzmina Moore

Book recommendations

Philosophy of Yoga

Does anyone have any book recommendations to learn about the path and spiritual aspects of yoga. I picked up a book called Meditations from the May which really piqued my interest in the spiritual aspects of yoga.


  • Ankur Jain
    also please follow the yog kaushal portal and feel free to ask questions there .. kaushal ji has wrotten many books on the subject and is an authority in most traditional indian scriptures
  • Ankur Jain
    more contemprory can be : light on meditation by maharishi raman
  • Ankur Jain
    sankya karika by ishwar krishna :: this too you can find english transaltions
  • Ankur Jain
    patanjal yoga sutra : i am sure you will find english translations .. this is the origal from the father of ypg Maharishi Patanjali