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Group - Connect + Cultivate
Jazzmina Moore

What small acts of love can we create today?

Aloha Connect + Cultivate,

On the topic of love I was thinking about how we can be love in action. 💗 What small acts of kindness can we do to be love to others? What can you do for a stranger, a friend or a lover to be love to them? Reply with ideas or actions you will take or have already taken.


  • Nikhil Bhola
    Jazzmina Moore Greet Everybody with a big smile and ask how are they feeling today
  • Aakanksha Jha
    Compliment a stranger 😊
  • Jazzmina Moore
    I will send my boyfriend a loving message this morning. I will send my friends well wishes for the day and my mother too. I will try to think of a loving act of kindness I can do for a stranger. Any ideas?