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Manijeh Motaghy

Youth Mindfulness Retreat • Perfectly Here

One Time
Jan 20

Mindful HealingDe-addictionBehaviour Modification and TherapiesSelf-Help and Sense ControlEmotional CoachingDesire ControlMind ManagementEvolution and Transformation

05:30 AM, Sun, January 20, 2019 — 05:30 AM, Sun, January 20, 2019

West Hills, CA 91304 - see link

[email protected]


Youth Mindfulness Retreat is for ages 5 -16. Sign-up Now. Take Retreat with your children and teens. Jan 20th from 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM. We now provide a Youth Mindfulness Retreat along with our traditional day-long Setting Intention Retreat. Start the new year with clear intentions, goals and aspirations and share this with your children. While you are participating in your own day of retreat, our Mindful Family teacher, will be taking the youth through fun and calming Mindfulness activities.

They will practice to have a present mind so they may take actions through clarity and calm. At this day-long Mindfully setting intention retreat, everything is taken care of for you to practice in a peaceful environment away from the grudge of your daily life. There will be a home cooked vegetarian soup, tea, drinking water and other snacks. On the agenda is a Mindfulness talk/ discussion, Mindful eating and engaging in yogi jobs, light Mindful stretching, walking meditation, lying meditation, sitting meditation and more. It’s held at a peaceful and beautiful private home in a relaxing and spacious environment. Join us to set a Mindful and present tone for the year to come.
