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Shri Ram Krishna Goswami

Shri Ram Krishna Goswami

  • Geeta Darshan

    A fourteen point theory derived from Gita for the uplifting of society.
    1. In every era, Shreemad Bhagwad Gita has been and will always be the exclusive foundation source for establishment of world peace and safety.

    2. 5238 years ago, the Almighty and the ultimate teacher to the world, Lord Krishna counseled as well as educated the besieged and emotionally drained Arjuna on the dispensation of real dharma.

    3. Conscientious implementation and abidance of maxims of Shreemad Bhagwad Gita ...  more
  • Mind :The prime source of karma

    What‘s the solution to curb crime? Why is our society crime prone? These are questions which need introspection, constructive deliberations, implementation of stringent measures and most importantly a complete overhauling of the mind.

    But it is not easy until a person’s mind is purified through extensive understanding of the spiritual science i.e. Bhagavad Geeta. A person needs to comprehend the root cause behind occurrence of crime. Rape, molestation, murder, robbery, domestic violence,...  more
  • गीता का छठा अध्याय हमे सिखाता है,, खुद पर आत्म संयम रखना ...

    पिछले अध्याय को समझे हमारे गीता विज्ञान की पल्लेलिस्ट से जो हमारे चैनल मे है । पांचवे अध्याय को समझे इस लिंक से👇👇 https://youtu.be/5Jjrtjp47YA
  • जानिए बुद्धि की योग्यता और इसकी क्षमता के बारे में गीता क...

    our mind has three types of nature called prakirti according to the bhagvad geeta sat guana , raj guna and tam guna . we can say as high thinker , medium thinker and low thinker so developing our mind to satguna is the messege of geeta 's chapter 14
  • शरीर और आत्मा को क्या कहते जानिए गीता के 13वें अध्याय से।...

    bhagvad Geeta chapter 13 gives us real meaning of spirituality and all stage of gyan that is necessary to get moksha
  • Greetings : Bhartiya Charita Nirman Sansthan

    The society is grappling with myriad of social issues. The most prominent menace that the society is encountering with is the unceasing criminal activities reflecting a stark concern on the security of a person.

    I cogitated upon the cause of commission of a crime and the ways to create a crime free society and thereby protect human rights. Through vast interaction with the law enforcement expertise of judicial Officers, IPS officers and other intellectuals, it was observed that lack of moral...  more

    If a question is put forward, What is Dharma the maximum answers would be HIndu, Christian,Muslim and the names of other religion. Is religion actual Dharma?

    I am afraid No. Lord Krishna declared that he takes birth in every era at a space when atrocities and other criminal acts augment and eliminate the harmony of the society while the innocents suffer . In such scenario , Lord Krishna stated Yada Yada HI Dharmasya . HE arrives to establish Dharma (Righteousness) in the society by...  more
  • Bhagavad Gita : The text for students to create social tr...

    At present, our society is witnessing rampant increase in criminal activities even in schools and colleges BCNS asserts that the present grisly situation has originated because of the absence of impartation of spirituality in educational institutions.

    Bhartiya Charitra Nirman Sansthan put robust emphasis upon inculcation of spiritual consciousness in the person. In such a pursuit, BCNS, through character development programmes in schools, is sincerely endeavouring to imbibe spiritual values...  more
  • शरीर और आत्मा को क्या कहते जानिए गीता के 13वें अध्याय से।...

    Bhagvad Geeta Chapter 13 gives us knowledge of spirituality and also stage of real gyan which is necessary to get moksh.......
  • बुद्धि का विकास कैसे हो,,, जानिये गीता के 17वें अध्याय से...

    bhagvad gita is a science and in chapter 17 lord Krishna has explained to Arjuna about Human Mind and its nature and also what should be the moral values of our education.
  • UN declaration and Bhagavad Gita

    The teacher of universe, Lord Krishna had declared destruction of evil and antisocial elements on the basis of policies aimed at protection for human rights from Verses 7 & 8 in chapter 4 of Bhagavad Gita. Krishna had emphatically pronounced the annihilation of evil forces to be the foundation for establishing eternal righteousness (Sanatan Dharma).

    On 10th December 1948, the United Nations had too promulgated about conferment of equal rights to upkeep the sanctity, protection and universal...  more