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Nikhil Bhola

Perpective of The Great White Brotherhood on The Hearts Center - YouTube


Religious Philosophies and Concepts

This discourse by David Christopher Lewis, inspired by El Morya, discusses the role of The Hearts Center movement in relation to the Universal Great White Brotherhood. In this talk you will also hear about many interesting things including:

-the presence of different messengers and different organizations
-the benefits of joining an outer organization
-the terms Servitor, Partner and Heartfriend
-the role of active work on the spiritual path
-the benefit of partnering with others as well as with God
-recognizing heartfriends in Spirit no matter what path they follow outwardly
-the spiritual ties that form our true membership
-how few souls make it on the path alone
-keeping our focus on loving God rather than being caught up in doctrine

S U B S C R I B E * T O * O U R * V I D E O S - 

S U B S C R I B E * T O * O U R * E M A I L * L I S T - http://visitor.constantcontact.com/manage/optin/ea?v=001P3AZIpApn2CN7n_juKLpALhJICIOQOyByNyb8iF599UPkW3QSzs1nXngqgDzTCgXcanQNENKkRm9zgWYUzl2v00cwQdJCT93

S P I R I T U A L * C O N F E R E N C E S - Participate in spiritual conferences to help you reach personal enlightenment, commune with your Higher Self and ascended masters, learn new ways to pray, meditate and find inner peace. See our upcoming events- http://www.heartscenter.org/Events/UpcomingEvents/tabid/518/Default.aspx

M E R U * U N I V E R S I T Y - Register for live interactive classes that include topics on permaculture, sustainable com munities, the ascension, forgiveness, Ho'oponopono, angels of love, alchemy, the new age, 2012, the Golden-Crystal Age of Enlightenment, Buddha, Jesus and more! http://www.heartscenter.org/MeruUniversity/WelcometoMeruUniversity/tabid/503/Default.aspx

C O M M U N I T Y * F O R U M - Share your inspired writing or favorite quotes, ask questions, have heartfelt conversations about ascended beings, saints and wisdom teachings—and learn more about the Hearts Center Community and our current messenger, David Christopher Lewis. http://www.heartscenter.org/WhatsNew/HeartsCenterForum/tabid/499/Default.aspx

L I V E * B R O A D C A S T S - Pray, meditate and sing with us during live broadcasts! These free services provide a powerful way to connect with your Higher Self, angels, the ascended masters and saints. During these sessions, our group meditations, prayers, mantras, music and song create a powerful field of love and joy that brings comfort, protection and healing light to many. See our Live Broadcast Schedule. http://www.heartscenter.org/Default.aspx?TabId=406

N E W * A G E * S T O R E - Shop our new age bookstore where you'll find spiritual books and music, uplifting artwork, and beautiful prayers and rosaries on CDs. http://store.heartscenter.org/

P R A Y E R S * D E C R E E S * A N D * S O N G S - Access our huge bank of prayers, decrees and songs to assist you with praising God and also requesting heavenly assistance. http://www.heartscenter.org/MediaCenter/PrayersandSongs/tabid/415/Default.aspx

L E T ' S * C O N N E C T !

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O U R * M I S S I O N : Within our Hearts Center Community, we realize personal enlightenment through our Higher Self and share the ascended masters' love-wisdom teachings throughout the Earth.

O U R * V I S I O N : We live in sustainable Golden-Crystal Age communities in joy and in harmony with Mother Nature, using solar sciences of the Spirit. We radiate light, and we live and love as one.
Our mission: Within our Hearts Center Community, we realize personal enlightenment through our Higher Self and share the ascended masters' love-wisdom teachings throughout the Earth.

Our vision: We live in sustainable Golden-Crystal Age communities in joy and in harmony with Mother Nature, using solar sciences of the Spirit. We radiate light, and we live and love as one.

This video brought to you by The Hearts Center (www.HeartsCenter.org). We welcome your contact, comments and participation in our Community. May you be blessed.
