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Change of Time?

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With Change of Time,
4 Varnas as such has been destroyed, from the independence of India,
There are only to be seen 2 Varnas now,

Knowers and Ignorants,
Ignorants can fall under any caste or creed such as of Brahmin too.
Knowers can also, fall under any caste or creed such as of Dalit too.

There is discrimination left on the basis of "Sensitivity towards life" with its "Knowledge".

Brahmin, Kashtriya, Vaishya or Shudra or outsiders, these are mere names in today's world,
Brahmins as such are not knower of Brahman any more,
Kashtriya are devoid of strength & truthfulness,
Vaishya are devoid of Honest Business,
Shudra are devoid of Patience and Ability to Learn,

Everyone have fallen into place that is lower, out of which, Shall emerge or is emerging only 2 varnas,
Of Knowers and of Ignorants.

Knowers will possess Knowledge of Brahman, Sensitivity towards life and actions, Mature understanding and Deep insight with patience and Concentration, While ignorants will possess knowledge of Damage or cleverness, Insensitivity towards life, Confusions and Chaos shall be their Shelter, Devoid of patience, they will be Damage to their own self and to the ones around.

Knowers, Having as such amount of resources will utilize them carefully,
Ignorants, Having resource more then needed by means of wrong ways, will waste them, loath others who owns more, and will be enemy of peace for self and for others.

The Colour of them should be white and black instead of White, Red, Yellow and Black of Past.
