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Nishant Shukla

Do you really have the Free Will?


How many of you agree to this?

A lot of advocates of free thinking do not encourage it in reality. Be it in corporates or in personal life.

We all have this quality btw.

For example, people say that they don’t impose anything on their kids, but at the same time they load the kid with their expectations and beliefs unknowingly.

Do you really have the freedom to make your own choices, without having any fear of anything? Do you really have the free will?

Because we can give that only what we have. How can someone offer freedom of thinking and choosing to someone when they don’t have it?

Confronting question, isn’t it?

Just become aware of your own self, and the decisions you have taken in past, mostly they are driven by fear, an attempt to fit in the society.

Very few have the guts to be misfit and experience the freedom.

Most prefer to live in the golden cage. If you don’t agree, just watch your thoughts. How many times you say “I want to do this, BUT…”

What did you get?
