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Eradication of Duality

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During Act of Praying in Happiest Moment,
One talks to self wishing for Continuous well-being from Self by Self in Self.

During Act of Praying in Saddest Moment,
One talks to self wishing for End of Suffering from Self by Self in Self.

Why one cannot see this Self as Mirror in Which Everything Appears?
This Self creates all, All Exists in this Self,

This Self one prays to is Self that is in Tree, Roads, Air, Space, Blankness, Unconscious State, In Other Being or Animal, This Self is Not "I am" This Self is neither "They are" This Self is Light, Which envelopes All in & Out while living or While Transmigrating, Moving or Unmoving, Near or Far, Known or Unknown.

This Self is One, It is Unchanging Despite having all Changes in itself, It is Lord, It is Source, It is Bliss.

There is No God Besides this Invisible Self of All which Alas! makes Everything Visible, Yes Everything Visible, it has for it's place the Heart of Yogi, Where he or she meditates on it realising it's Glory and Splendour, Its Play and Infinite Power.

The one who has for his or her protection immortal truth, how can fear of pain and death touch him or her?
