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I am doing a mistake.

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The World is Beautiful, Beautiful are it's people, who know everything by mind but not the mind itself ?

Am I doing a mistake here? I ask to myself,

May be, that's why one speaks,
"I know not, what i want out of life"
"I know not, myself"

Come to think of it, Do One really knows anything? if one knows not the mind?
May be that's why, they termed them as Blind and Samsara as Blind led by Blind.

What is the benefit of crying out loud? if you can't see what the real problem is.

It is undeniable that how much potential a human really has, to create and destroy anything, the thing is only that, wise knows it very well but blind knows not.

Resultants of the actions which Wise does are Outcomes of the needs of the present times but of Blind are unconventional directionless thinking without the goal.

That's why, common mass see wise one as 'simple' in terms of life but no, they are not.
Yes, they may appear Strong and Vibrant, They are because, They are not blind anymore.
