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Meditation on Vehicle.

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This is helpful for seeker, who has read about supreme goal of upnishads & then who owns any type of vehicle;

The outer Body of Vehicle, which is made up of metal, is body of human being;
The Gates of vehicle are the Gates of human being that are called senses;
Through these very gates enters People in vehicle & then sound, touch, taste, colours, smell in human being.

The steering wheel is the controller of vehicle;
This Steering wheel is the mind that is in human being, the way it is turned with the said force, to that way it goes;

The mind goes on to which-ever sphere it wills, knowing it's own benefits and loses as per impressions gained in past;

The engine that is in vehicle, which is powerhouse of vehicle is Intellect having quality of discrimination in human being, it is the power-house, For, by discriminating on said given thoughts, a human decides to do or not to do certain given job or action.

Till here,
it makes up 'ego' of the human being, ego drives where-ever it wants using discrimination via intellect, then steering in that given direction using mind, doing actions via senses and facing the said result of given action.

This is Called 'Result of given Action' which only pertains to 'ego' i.e the individual-soul so to say, Jiva-Atma.

The petrol, in vehicle is the most important ingredient, owing to which engine starts and moves about;
so does the Consciousness in human being.
Like Petrol is the Fuel for the vehicle, so is the Consciousness in human being.

Consciousness is the inner most fuel owing to which intellect, mind with senses takes their own respectives places and work.

Now the direct instructions to be contemplated on;
1- This very Consciousness which is not ego nor mind or intellect is unchanging truth, it illuminates everything, even blankness of deep sleep to void of death, to fantasy of dreams.

2- This very Consciousness is nameless & is eternal, it is the real 'self', the lord of all senses, all colours, all forms, all names, of 5 elements, of worlds, of everything that there is.

3- This very Consciousness is beyond the reach of words and mind, it cannot be limited by thought or can be put into words by tongue for, it is the subject having everything from intellect to universe as object.

4- it is attributeless despite having all attributes in it, it is one stable light of awareness.

This very Consciousness is then in & out of everything, it lightens up waking, dreaming and even blankness of deep sleep, even the void of death;

It lightens up desires, aspirations, good and bad, vice and verse, it lightens up morning and night, this light shines sun shines and moon stars, it lightens up all the beings starting from humans down to worms, it lightens up plants and 5 elements, it lightens up everything but nothing lightens it up, indeed nothing lightens it up,

Upnishad says;
"This very supportless truth is support of all but nothing supports it, it supports itself"
