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One's own Qualities is Varna.

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Indeed, The Varna is decided not by the birth but by qualities of one's own self as confirmed by wise ones,

A person's habits, inner qualities, inner and outer cleanliness, way of handling situations, thinking, perception towards life and others does decides it.

A person, who is dirty from inside, remains dirty from outside, not willing to work for better life, he or she is then for sure from a Shudra Varna,
A person, who keeps his or her place dirty and messed up, not caring about outer cleanliness is for sure not clean from inside is Indeed a Shudra,
A person, who has degraded views of life, who has toxic views, who abuses others mentally and verbally, who is full of jealousy or hatred towards others is indeed a Shudra, of low origin.

A person, then, who is clean from outside is clean from inside as well, who is sweet verbally, who respects, who is fearless, who is bold and straightforward, who is endowed with quality of rajas which is passion is indeed a Vaishya if interested in Right Business or a Kashtriya if is a Righteous Ruler.

A person, then who is indeed clean from inside is clean from outside as well, who is generous, who is knowledgable, who is kind, who is full of humility, who is at a times clever, who keeps surroundings clean, well maintained, who does not hold toxic views, who is forgiving, who is away from jealousy, who has interests not in world but in One Lord that is in all is indeed Brahmin.

There is No Shudra, Vaishya, Kashtriya and Brahmin beyond these rules of segregation of Humans,

With whatever qualities one lives, those very qualities becomes one's own Varna, which is decided not by birth but by that person itself, which is self-evident rule of Lord put in place.

Which is why, it is said in Gita,
चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागशः
"The four-fold order was created by Me(Brahman) according to the divisions of qualities and work(Actions)"
