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Plain Rejection of Nihilist View (Bhuddism)

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Everything is Illusion and temporary, including Body, Mind, Universe and then as well as Self, hence the nihilism, the void is reality is not acceptable as per facts since it leads to;
"From non-existence springs up existence", which is but illogical.

then; if the nihilist view is,
Everything is illusion and temporary, including Body, Mind, Universe and all dualities because it is one consciousness pervading in & out, therefore duality really speaking is mere appearance having only 'names' as support is acceptable.

everything that appears separate or dual is 'actually' a void, which is true but when 'brahman' is said void, it is mistaken view.

for, according to logic,
From Absolute Existence, it can be acceptable that, something having apparent existence can spring up; owing to ignorance.

the nihilist people of Buddhism are mistaken so long in their views and teachings ?
have they misunderstood the teachings of the man they prayed to?

If Gautam Bhudda said, "Everything is void",
must not be taken in the sense of rejection of 'Brahman' as well which is but Not body not Mind 'self' devoid of duality and change;

Hence the saying of Bhudda;
"You are nothing, by becoming nothing, you become everything"

Why nothing?
B/C Total Rejection of Body & Mind Complex but not of Brahman, Which is Truth, Consciousness and infinity by nature & which has everything(universe & dualities) as it's temporal appearance also, said in upnishads, indeed in upnishads.

For this there is saying;
"The inner organ, which is mind can reject a object perceived through senses, can reject sense itself, can reject inner objects seen, such as in dream but it cannot reject itself, for it is tool of rejection, how come then it can reject the pure light, which is Consciousness, owing to which it exists and contemplate on various subject-matters?, indeed it does exists, and this light which is truth is existence itself"
