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Preparation of Net.

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At Beginning during creation,
This one, having rest in itself, thought, let me create a law, that shall govern my own creation,

Having thought just this much, This one, created a Law;
"Whatever one does, such results shall come to one"

Therefore, to this day,
it is said by learned ones not by mere reading but by knowledge that,
"it is Brahman, that is high and small, empty and non-empty, all the pair of opposites", for, it is the one creator who created.

Knowing Law Declared by Brahman, Indra, who is mind, under order of Maya, who is Wife,
Manifests "Net" which is called Indra-Jaal for each person differently as per Actions Done.

Indeed as per Actions Done,
So the Actions, Such is Mind, Such is Mind so are the impressions,
Impressions Decides Past, Present, Future,
They describe Past life and they shall describe Future Birth.

Those who know Brahman, They are saved by process of Merging, for them, hate, death etc vanishes.
