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Ravi Chandran

The truth of somras

In Bhagavad Gita GOD Krishna mentioned about consuming Somras by the learned who read Vedas. The entire language of GOD has been misinterpreted. Somras was never referred to as an alcoholic substance or any other intoxicant. Lord Krishna never recommended consumption of any intoxicant. How can intoxicants like alcohol, drugs and other inebriants cause welfare and salubriousness? Intoxicants grossly ruin a person’s health, com bust fracas in the household, wreak marital discord and tarnish a person’s stature in the society. Enslavement to intoxicants demolishes the monetary opulence of a person relegating him to destitution. Intoxicants are consumed to house delusional pleasures but then one forgets that these intoxicants do not nourish the body. On the contrary, the venom of intoxicants slowly transports a person to the terminus of death.
It is really pitiful that persons give a short shrift to the statutory warning on the packets of cigarettes or on the bottle of alcohol. Consuming alcohol or smoking a cigarette has been labeled as sophistication or visual enhancement of prestige. In fact these ostentatious trends gradually transform into the state of addiction. Intoxicants adversely change the behavioral pattern of an individual.

All negative characteristics such as unrestrained aggression, lecherousness, impudence, pugnacious attitude and other nasty traits infiltrate the righteous boundaries of person . An affluent turns into poverty stricken.

Now, let us contemplate and ratiocinate. Can GOD permit his own creation of human beings to consume something which would desolate them completely in all respects? According to vedic research and proclamation, Somras is a herbal juice consumed for recuperation from a malady. It contains the herbs which are pulverized to give a congruous effect. The final product emits splendid aroma and tastes scrumptious. Lord Krishna states that the erudite of Vedas consumed Somras and they worshipped HIM. After obliteration from all sinful reactions, they take birth on the pious heavenly planet of Indra where they relish the Godly delights and comforts.


  • Gurender
    My respects goes to your share Ravi.

    Soma rasa again is of two type as per my research,
    The one you are mentioning to, secondly is that which is directly experienced by seeker at ajna chakra mentioned in tantra sects which is similar to that of upnishads which they term as 'bliss of supreme truth'.

    How come two?
    As we know,
    Meditations in upnishads which are to be done mostly on mental plane have their meanings drived from rituals of Vedas itself.

    Like yagna at physical plane is the one...  more