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Waḥdat al-Wujūd

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Meditation with pure heart on truth gives great many benefits,
it destroys confusion, manifests clarity in actions and in thought,
it destroys suffering in mental space, manifests bliss and calmness,
it destroys anxiety, manifests contentment,
it destroys ignorance, manifests knowledge.

The mind of Teachers, who was engrossed in Tawhid of Allah, didn't saw bad days, they were saved during day of judgement the death, they left bodies in peace to be one with the essence.

They while living melted into something unknown, which was there support, they were strong and kind, they had huge many abilities , they knew the path to peace and contentment.

They known Tawhid by knowing the essence of life which made them to question?

From where i came into this infinite existence, of infinite sky up and infinite mind space inside?
In what i am existing ? of which describable essence is very limited rest but is unknown and beyond?
Where shall i go after leaving this all in this vast expanse of infinitude?
Who regulates it? How everything is at place?, What makes me do what i do? and what results do i face then?

What is meaning of life on this planet hanging in vast infinitude?
What is meaning of life in this mental space of vast infinitude?

What is inside and what is outside? and who regulates this all?

They said, one gains Tawhid by Taqwa, not by excess thinking,
one gains Tawhid by Taqwa, not by excess acting,
gains Tawhid by Taqwa, not by self-contradicton,
Tawhid by Taqwa, not by absence of will.
