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Words of Pure Wisdom from the Real Practitioners, There is no protection of Them but Truth.

Mindful HealingDe-addictionBehaviour Modification and TherapiesSelf-Help and Sense ControlEmotional CoachingDesire ControlMind ManagementEvolution and TransformationTheories & Philosophy of Discipline

He Said;

"An intelligent person is well aware that the tools designed for use towards peaceful and creative goals can quite successfully be used as destructive weapons, even if they are not officially considered to be weapons And yet unconventional thinking, as a rule, people hurry to unequivocally affirm as harmful, even though all progressive achievements in the development of human society owe their origin to unconventional thinking.

This kind of ignorance has been irresistibly taking place and still successfully takes place among the majority of representatives of human society, which, respectively, characterizes the primitive level of development of that society.While such an attitude towards the unknown is actively and widely exhibited by those in key positions of control in the state system, the development of societies under such control is doomed to be extremely complicated.

In itself, the notion of “power” implies above all the ability to force anyone to make certain efforts against his own wishes and aspirations. At the same time it is also the ability to punish those unwilling to comply with the imposition. The characteristics that lie at the heart of the notion of “power” directly contradict the Truth of spiritual development!

The aggressive environment, which the representatives of different social formations began to build actively and with various persistence, further strengthened such an intertwining in which the creative need intertwined with the corrupt, since the ability to govern can realize the human potential for creativity, while power – that for corruption.

Only those of considerable creative experience and relevant competency would show willingness to engage in government without the implications of power.

Among the great multitude of people of one or another society, those ready to take on increased responsibility without the characteristic elements of power are usually very few.

The fruits of power can be of interest only to those yet spiritually immature, and therefore have not developed mentally in a harmonious way.

And every human society, as the result of certain laws, consists in overwhelming majority of just such spiritually immature people."

What is good for darkness Indeed, with doubt goes against the Truth which is light.
